
Our management consists of Reinhard Nieper, Prof. Dr. med. Axel Ekkernkamp, Marius Manke and Ingo Thon.

The management of the BG Hospital Group is elected by the general committee. It oversees the strategic developement of BG Hospitals alongside its business divisions and reports to the executive board and the general committee. Moreover, it coordinates the office of the BG Hospital Group and represents the Group externally. Our management headquartes is based in Berlin.

Reinhard Nieper (CEO)

Reinhard Nieper has served as CEO of the BG Hospital Group since 2016. Previously, he was the CEO of its predecessor organisation from 2011 and was responsible for the reorganisation of the BG Hospitals into a nonprofit corporate group with holding structure. Mr. Nieper, a qualified lawyer, was born in Münster in 1959 and has been working in executive positions for healthcare companies for over 20 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Axel Ekkernkamp (CEO Medicine)

Prof. Dr. med. Axel Ekkernkamp has been working for institutions of the Social Accident Insurance since 1984. He has run the BG Hospital Berlin as Medical Director since 1997 and was appointed CEO in 1999. Since 2017, Prof. Dr. med. Ekkernkamp is also the CEO of the Holding's medical business division and spokesperson of the Medical Advisory Board.

Marius Manke (CFO)

Before joining the management board, Marius Manke was manager of two of the Holding's business divisions – finance and controlling, and infrastructure. Previously he worked as a consultant and in executive positions in different hospital groups for over 15 years, where he gained extensive knowledge of the healthcare sector.

Ingo Thon (CEO HR)

Before joining the management board, Ingo Thon was manager of the Holding’s legal and HR business division. A qualified lawyer, Mr. Thon has been working in the healthcare sector for over ten years.